Specialist ERP consultancy

We offer a wide range of ERP consultancy and customisation services, primarily for the metalworking sector and Hexagon AB’s E2i metalworking software.  

We don’t treat business processes and the software that runs your business as separate entities. If your processes need to change, we can help you understand why and decide how. We can also adapt and customise the software so it works the way you want. We look at your whole business - and we make sure we understand it inside and out before we make our recommendations.  

Sector specialists

After more than 20 years of working with engineering sector companies, and metalworking in particular, we understand the manufacturing sector and how it works.

We bring insight into best practice and how other firms in the sector may have solved specific challenges. We talk at a high level about how to improve your business processes and transform your performance.

Bolt-on apps to plug the gaps

We develop a range of add-on apps that extend the capabilities of ERP systems, such as E2i. Examples include:

Production scheduling

Looks at all the contracts or projects going through your business and tells you what you should do now and next, when it will be finished and, if relevant, how late it will be. It can account for third-party scheduling, such as painting requirements. It is simple to understand - and effectively automates the business while allowing you to keep control.

Quote validation

E2i contains powerful and efficient tools for costing metalworking jobs. But it’s hard to understand how the software arrived at those costs and to identify any mistakes that may have been made. Our quote validation app automates the process of checking quotes. It takes the data out of E2i and puts it into a spreadsheet, customised for your business so you can easily spot if there’s something missing or wrong.  

And if your material content is too high, it will tell you what the mark-up should be to remedy that. 

Material Price importer

An Excel template to send to your suppliers. They fill in the costs of parts you buy and the data can be checked for errors and imported into your ERP software.

Integration with BI & ongoing support

One of the most effective ways to transform your effectiveness and performance is through the use of advanced business intelligence.

We integrate your data, from E2i, other ERPs and your other business systems, into tools such as Microsoft’s Power BI and Office 365 suite of applications.  

We develop your business intelligence to ensure you get the insight you need into your operations, available at a glance whenever you need it.  

At Bredon West, we also offer similar services for a range of ERP systems. For example, we helped a leading UK metalworking company to implement EPICOR ERP10 and a distributer of industrial products implement SAP Business One. 

What our customers say:

“For our first 16 years in business, everything was effectively hand written. We used Word documents for sending quotes, manual costing sheets and manual order processing. We had invested in an ERP system and had initial training, but then, to be blunt, we shelved it. We didn’t know how to get the information we needed out of the system. Then one of the software company’s reps recommended Bredon West.

They didn’t just teach us how to use the system but tailored it for us and helped us extract the reports we need. It has been a revelation.

The reports give us a great insight into how we are actually performing, not just in winning work but how we are doing and whether we are actually making money. No more phone calls down to operations. The reports give us the information we need right in front of us.

We wish we had done it years ago. It has been a very fruitful collaboration, a mini revolution. It has changed our fortunes.”

Central Laser Services